Larry Wilson Live: Conversations with Real Safety Experts

The Difficulties of Getting Modern Safety Into Old-School Education with Michael Cooke

Larry Wilson Season 2 Episode 14

“The Difficulties of Getting Modern Safety Into Old-School Education”
with Michael Cooke, Vice-President, Social & Environmental Responsibility at Jabil Group

“Why aren’t these concepts being taught in high-schools and trade schools?” he asked defiantly. “Well”, I said, “its not for lack of trying. But it's not as easy as you’d think.”

“Why” he demanded, obviously not impressed. “Well, one thing is money. Even though it's significantly less expensive (80% discount) the schools want the school boards to pay for it out of their budget, and the school board wants the schools to pay for it out of theirs. They both want the students to get the training. They just want the other party to pay for it."

“Oh”, he said, and walked away…

However, not everyone did “walk away” figuratively speaking. A few other “brave souls” have also ventured into the arena. They have made some significant efforts to bring modern day safety technology and methodology to education. 

Michael Cooke is one of those people. 

His efforts started with a previous employer, but he has carried on with the Jabil Group. Both Michael and I understand the importance of getting safety into education. 

We also understand some of the difficulties and that the financial aspect mentioned before is just one challenge. Trying to train teachers is another (they don’t make the best students). 

Despite these difficulties, there have also been some tremendous successes in places like Brazil, Colombia, Scotland, Switzerland, The Philippines, Suriname and of course Canada and the USA.

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