Larry Wilson Live: Conversations with Real Safety Experts
Cutting edge thinking and world-renowned safety leaders come together in this exciting show. Larry Wilson talks with real experts—the ones living it (not just talking about it)—to give an in-depth explanation as to why they make the decisions they do to achieve safety excellence and become a high-reliability organization. This podcast is recorded live during the Larry Wilson Live streaming broadcasts. Larry and his guests answer questions from the live audience in almost every episode!
30 episodes
The Humor in Safety with Tim Page-Bottorff
Tim does it again! He holds the prestigious title of "most listened to episode" with his first appearance on Larry Wilson Live , and his second time on the show does not disappoint! Our 30th episode features the one, the only, Tim ...
Season 3
Episode 30

Capturing Hearts and Minds with Alejandro Jaramillo
Larry Wilson Live with Alejandro Jaramillo“Capturing Hearts and Minds” has been the goal for so many EHS professionals, and also for the companies they work for. The “why” is obvious, but how exactly do you do this?
Season 3
Episode 29

The Power of Positive Messaging with Chris Ross
Larry Wilson Live with Chris Ross"The Power of Positive Messaging"Imagine increasing your sales by 400% just by changing a sign to say, “Remember the Ice” instead of don’t forget the ice? Such small changes, from ne...
Season 3
Episode 28

The Power of Storytelling with Jack Jackson
Larry Wilson Live with Jack Jackson"Influence vs. Control — The Power of Storytelling"Controls are necessary but limited by time and proximity. Influence is not even limited by jurisdiction, but it can be more difficult.
Season 3
Episode 27

Separating the Wheat from the Chaff with Dave Johnson
Separating The Wheat from the Chaff with Dave Johnson, Editor ISHN - Industrial Safety and Hygiene NewsDave has been in the field for over 30 years. He has seen many things come and go. He has seen what’s worked or has had enough substa...
Season 3
Episode 26

Managing Contractors to Zero (SIFs) Without a Big Stick with Jimmy Quinn
Managing contractors to zero (SIFs) without a big stick."Like anybody else, I didn't start off as the president of IOSH" Jimmy said, "more like in the trenches."Almost immediately, I felt totally comfortable. He was low-key, eas...
Season 3
Episode 25

Engaging the Frontline Supervisor with Peter Batrowny
Larry Wilson Live with Pete Batrowny - Engaging Frontline Supervisors: Techniques that Work in the Real World...We all know the first line supervisor is key to so many things.But what is the best way to develop or improve this g...
Season 2
Episode 24

What Brain Science has Discovered about Humans Behaving Safely with Cristian Sylvestre
Although many safety professionals are aware of the latest brain science. Unfortunately, far too many still don’t know what to do with it.“So they acknowledge it, and then go back to the paradigm of deliberate decision making being the ...
Season 2
Episode 23

The Challenges of Creating a Learning Organization when Merging Global Safety Cultures with Dr. Thomas Burgdorff
It’s been said that Corporate America has the attention span of a squirrel. And it’s also been said that the concept of a “Learning Organization” is 20 years old. But learning and continuous improvement go hand in hand. And it’s do...
Season 2
Episode 22

From Error Reduction to Performance Enhancement with Mike Shaw
From Error Reduction to Performance EnhancementThe story behind getting the critical error reduction techniques to high-performance athletes.Whether at work or at the highest level of competitive sport, an error can have devastating...
Season 2
Episode 21

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence for Health, Safety, and Environment with Dr. Britt Andreatta
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence for Health, Safety, and Environment with Dr. Britt AndreattaAlmost all EHS professionals have “heard” about Emotional Intelligence or EI. But not nearly as many are aware of the benefits, in some...
Season 2
Episode 20

The Impact of Human Factors on Safety Management Systems with Tim Page-Bottorff
Safety management systems (SMS) like ISO 45001 and ANSI Z10 have been incorporated into organizations around the globe. There are certain aspects of the SMS’s that incorporate facets of engineering, design, hazard observations, man...
Season 2
Episode 19

Governance and Leadership in Health and Safety with Dr. Waddah Ghanem and Bob Arnold
Governance and Leadership in Health and Safety with Dr. Waddah Ghanem and Bob ArnoldWorkplace health and safety matters have become of significant importance. With changing regulations and standards being introduced globally, the effect...
Season 2
Episode 18

The Power of Napping and Why if You Snooze, You Win with Cara Moore
The Power of Napping and why if you snooze... you WIN!Of course, the expression is, “If you snooze—you lose.”But that is more aligned with, “He who hesitates—is lost.” We all know that fatigue causes many unintentional incidents...
Season 2
Episode 17

The Secrets of Summer Safety: It’s Not Just Common Sense with Danny Smith
When it comes to summer safety the numbers are staggering. Why are there so many unintentional fatalities? Do people lose their “common sense” or is there a problem with their common sense? And what if you had the wron...
Season 2
Episode 16

What's NOT New, What Is, and What Works with Gary Higbee
"What's NOT New."Larry Wilson Live with Gary Higbee, EMBA CSPGary is the CEO of Higbee & Associates, Executive Advisor SafeStart, and Principal Researcher & Forensic Investigator at North American Management Institute.“E...
Season 2
Episode 15

The Difficulties of Getting Modern Safety Into Old-School Education with Michael Cooke
“The Difficulties of Getting Modern Safety Into Old-School Education”with Michael Cooke, Vice-President, Social & Environmental Responsibility at Jabil Group“Why aren’t these concepts being taught in high-schools and trade schoo...
Season 2
Episode 14

ESG - What You Need to Know and What You Might Not Know with Dr. Waddah Ghanem
“It sounds like a food additive, or at least thats the look I get when I ask some people about it” he said. I was talking with Dr. Ghanem about governance - at the board level and the conversation naturally turned towards ESG. “Some parts of it...
Season 1
Episode 13

Taking Human Factors to the "Far Side" of the Moon with Dr. Ajay P Kothari
Taking Human Factors to the Far Side of the MoonFeaturing: Dr. Ajay P Kothari, President & CEO of Astrox Corporation and NASA Project Lead“But the Dark Side of the Moon sounds better…”“Yes,” he said “but we don’t say tha...
Season 1
Episode 12

The Evils of Automation vs. The Evils of Human Error with Marc Riquelme
The Evils of Automation vs. the Evils of Human ErrorWith Marc RiquelmePresident of Signicast, CIREX, and OptiMIM, divisions of Form TechnologiesPeople make mistakes and robots don’t. But are robots and technology actually replac...
Season 1
Episode 11

Managing the Mega Project to Zero Harm with Hector Salazar
Managing the Mega Project to Zero HarmWith Hector Salazar, GM of Construction Safety at HPCL-Mittal Energy LimitedBathinda, IndiaIt’s a little airport. It was a small plane. And it was still another hour by cab before I got to B...
Season 1
Episode 10

Transforming a "Culture of Blame" with Pierre-Jean Paumard
Even world-class companies can be hard pressed or have their progress stalled by “blame”. But for other companies, the problems blame can cause have been crippling: employee engagement goes close to zero, and as a result improvement at ground l...
Season 1
Episode 9

April Fools COVID Update: It's Still No Joke—Don't Trip on the Finish Line with Anthony Panepinto
We keep hearing about it. We’re tired of hearing about it. But that doesn’t mean it’s over. And it doesn’t mean it can’t harm you or, although it seems to be a bit less - kill you. But even without going to the extreme, we all know...
Season 1
Episode 8

Who Really Sold BBS to the World? with Jim Spigener
Although Geller and Krause argue about who invented BBS, DuPont had already been doing it for years. And that’s the point: BBS was not new but it became the topic of conversation in the early 1990s, and by the mid-90s it was global. Why did it ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Turning Theory into Reality: What Really Works? with Keith Hole
From the theoretical level of Mount Olympus to the shop floor, Keith Hole has seen it all and heard it all. What’s real, what's not, and one thing you can be assured: he won’t sugar-coat it.Many people and academic experts have opinions...
Season 1
Episode 6