Larry Wilson Live: Conversations with Real Safety Experts
Larry Wilson Live: Conversations with Real Safety Experts
What's NOT New, What Is, and What Works with Gary Higbee
"What's NOT New."
Larry Wilson Live with Gary Higbee, EMBA CSP
Gary is the CEO of Higbee & Associates, Executive Advisor SafeStart, and Principal Researcher & Forensic Investigator at North American Management Institute.
“Everybody wants something new” he just shook his head, “I was doing that 40 years ago. I can’t believe they’re saying this is a new approach”. He was talking about a session he’d just attended on preventing serious injuries.
“So what else isn’t new?” I asked, and he started to list them off.
“Pushing decision-making down to the shop floor - the Japanese have been doing that for decades”. That was the first one. But then there was another and another until finally I said, “Gary, we need to have you on the show. Because I can’t imagine that any young safety professionals know any of this. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the same thing was also true for a lot of seasoned safety professionals.”
Gary was kind enough to say yes.
Gary is a Certified Safety Professional with an MBA from the University of Iowa. He worked 32 years for John Deere in safety, environmental, production and engineering. Gary has earned numerous awards, like the 2010 Distinguished Service to Safety Award by the National Safety Council. With over 45 years of experience, Gary has become an internationally recognized speaker on safety, health, environmental and business issues.
Gary also co-authored the book, Inside Out, with me and was instrumental in the development of SafeStart, so you won’t want to miss this episode of Larry Wilson Live.